Saying the word “acne” probably summons thoughts of makeup, burning pads, acne medication, and squeaky voices. It is a common skin condition in adolescents. Many of us had faces pulsing with pimples in high school and college, but if your acne didn’t go away during your 20s, it may be time for you to seek treatment. Adult acne exists, and it can be cured.
At Utopia Beauty and Spa, we want everybody to look and feel their best. That’s why we offer Fotona laser acne treatment. But wait—lasers for acne? How, why, and does it hurt? This post will give you all the information you need to see if our aesthetic treatments are right for you and your skin type!
What Causes Acne?
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are many different forms of acne. In general, acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands. These glands get even more active when androgens are released into the body, which happens in boys and girls during puberty. It can also happen shortly before menstruation.
Cystic acne is one of the worst acne-related skin conditions. Along with not looking pleasant, cystic acne can be very painful. This is because the pores are clogged and the acne is infected. You should ask an advanced dermatology centre for the best acne treatment protocol.
Acne Scarring
If your acne does not heal normally, you will have something called an acne scar. Acne scarring refers to any difference in your skin after an acne breakout. Acne-scarred skin includes both raised bumps and pockets. Most acne-related scarring is related to collagen content. Even skin with slightly abnormal pigmentation qualifies as a scar. People with dark skin are more prone to getting acne scars.
There could be many layers beneath acne scarring. What looks like superficial tissue damage might go down to deeper tissue. That’s why Fotona Laser Treatment is the best way to make your beauty truly skin deep.
How Do Laser Treatments Work?
Fotona Laser Treatment is a type of laser skin resurfacing. This means that it destroys the outer layer of skin (the epidermis). Treated skin may be raw and itchy for up to a month as the new skin regrows. You may need to use an ice pack on the affected areas. But it’s worth the wait—the days after laser resurfacing are nothing compared to the years that this treatment can last! This is a great long-term treatment plan.
The thermal effects of laser treatment are also excellent at stimulating collagen production. Collagen fibres help smooth the skin and have many applications in aesthetics. This also means that they work on facial wrinkles, fat reduction, sun damage, age spots, and many other forms of tissue damage!
However, laser technologies aren’t for everyone. People with a darker skin tone may not be ideal candidates for laser treatments., a site that publishes health and beauty advice for people of colour, gets into why: laser light has trouble distinguishing between hair follicles and skin in people with dark skin tones. People with darker skin have a significantly higher risk of being hurt by aesthetic lasers. Advanced technologies will make it safe for POC in the future— please be patient! For now, please consult a professional to avoid any damaging risks.
What Makes Fotona Different?
There are many laser types on the market. Not all of them are approved for cosmetic use. Fotona laser treatment uses two different laser types: Nd:YAG and Er:YAG, which each have different laser functions. Nd:YAG is a high-powered laser that targets sebaceous glands; Er:YAG (one of the erbium lasers), on the other hand, removes micron-thin layers of skin, allowing a new outer layer of skin to grow in the damaged skin’s place. These two laser types combined make it one of the most powerful, effective acne solutions on the market!
How Does It Compare to Other Treatments?
There are several treatment options that long-term acne sufferers can choose from. The most basic include acne creams and other types of acne medication. The right type of acne treatment may depend on your skin type and medical history, so please consult a medical professional before deciding on an acne treatment plan.
Chemical peels are another type of acne treatment. They use chemical baths to remove the top layer of skin. Deeper treatments are required for deeper tissue damage. Depending on the penetration depth of your scarring, you may need to undergo a series of treatments. You may also need to take antiviral medication before your peel.
As you may be able to imagine, that sort of harsh treatment comes with a moderate risk of complications. Some of the more severe side effects include cold sores, abnormal pigmentation, and limited tissue damage. You may also need to beware of any sun exposure and require a series of treatments.
Fotona Laser Treatment for Acne
Acne laser treatment has none of these downsides. You should be able to go out in public within the next few days after your treatment. The recovery time on most types of laser acne treatments is 3-10 days, with the maximum time being two weeks. Laser treatments generally have shorter recovery times than other acne treatments like chemical peels. With such minimal downtime and almost no unwanted side effects, how can you go wrong?
Please bear in mind that our services do not stop at the treatment of acne. We offer a wide range of aesthetic treatments. Whether you want to reduce visible wrinkles, sun-damaged skin, the appearance of scarring, or fat reduction, our cosmetic dermatologists will try to offer you a comprehensive solution. Whatever your aesthetic goals are, we aim for patient satisfaction!
Final Thoughts
Laser acne treatment is the acne remedy of the future. If you have active acne and nothing has worked, try our Fotona Laser for Acne Treatments. Patient comfort is a priority! Ask the cosmetic dermatologists at Utopia Spa and Boutique if laser skin treatment is right for you today!
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